Tag Archives: wellies

Modish hits the catwalk again!

24 Jul

Indie CambridgeOh dear, oh dear where does the time go? It hardly seems to be five minutes since the Inaugural Independent Cambridge Fashion show, but a quick glance at the calendar on ShoesieQ’s computer reveals that almost 2 weeks have passed.

In case you missed it, well, WHAT a show!! Firstly it took place in the most gorgeous venue, namely the Debating Chamber of the Cambridge Union. So we were all stepping on the hallowed ground that has seen the likes of the Dalai Lama, Winston Churchill and, errmmmmm Katie Price πŸ˜‰

So we lined up with some of the very best retailers that Cambridge has to offer, including Cuckoo,Petrus, Prohibido Lingerie and 19:10, grabbed ourselves some natty specs by Taank optometrists (who we were also modelling for) and hit the runway!

Perhaps before ShoesieQ goes any further she should mention that she chose her footwear BEFORE putting onΒ  her glasses……………

Move over Naomi!Toyah,Sarah,Ellie, Caroline & Ellie are in town!

Move over Naomi!Toyah,Sarah,Ellie, Caroline & Izzy are in town!

This pic was taken just before our first forray onto the catwalk, where we were channelling a bit of a festival vibe.

Izzy models Si

Izzy looking stunning!

Round 2 was a more elegant affair, though we had some fun as decided that on the catwalk we’d have a game of “champagne relay” substituting the baton with the bottle we emptied at half time πŸ™‚

So all in all much fun was had by all. And we managed to raise some money for Maggie Wallace Cancer Care Centre to boot. AND not only did all of our models manage to avoid doing a Naomi tumble on the catwalk, but they all bought a pair of the shoes that they modelled,which was nice!

Chciken wellies by Evercreatures

Chicken wellies by Evercreatures

…..or perhaps you prefer cow?!

Finally ShoesieQ thought that she should mention that the wellies that she was wearing in the first half were some of the best that have ever graced her feet. They’re by a brand that’s new to Modish called Evercreatures, the quality is brilliant and yet they only cost Β£35! Have attached a couple of pics so you can see for yourselves. In fact ShoesieQ loved them so much she couldn’t decide which to wear – which is why she decided to model both………

Fianlly finally a big thanks goes to Modish’s beautiful models, namely Toyah, Izzy, Ellie and Caroline, not to mention Taank optometrists who provided some seriously gorgeous eye-candy for us to wear. But last but certainly not least thanks so much to Anne Prince and her team at Independent Cambridge for pulling off such a brilliant show. And for being all round lovely people πŸ˜‰